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Woman’s Art Journal
Co-Editors-in-Chief: Joan Marter and Aliza Edelman
ISSN: 0270-7993 (print)
ISSN: 2158-8457 (online)
32 pages/issue · 8.5″ x 11″
Issue Coverage: Volume 27 (2006) – Present

Joan Marter and Aliza Edelman

Editorial Offices
Woman’s Art Journal
Rutgers University
Department of Art History
Vorhees Hall
71 Hamilton Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
P) 347-645-4647

Book Reviews Editor
Alison Poe

Founding Editor
Elsa Honig Fine

Editorial Board
Norma Broude
Therese Dolan
Betsy Fahlman
Mary D. Garrard
Salomon Grimberg
Ann Sutherland Harris
Ellen G. Landau
Nancy Mowll Matthews
Martin Rosenberg
Roberta Tarbell
Midori Yoshimoto
Judith Zilczer