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Woman’s Art Journal
Co-Editors-in-Chief: Joan Marter and Aliza Edelman
ISSN: 0270-7993 (print)
ISSN: 2158-8457 (online)
32 pages/issue · 8.5″ x 11″
Issue Coverage: Volume 27 (2006) – Present

Abstracted and Indexed in:
Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (JCI 0.26)

The Woman’s Art Journal (WAJ) is published twice a year, in May and November. Founded in 1980, by Elsa Honig Fine and Margaret Barlow, since 2006 WAJ has been published by Old City Publishing, with the ongoing support of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The journal is led by Co-Editors Joan Marter, Board of Governors Professor Emerita, Rutgers University, and Aliza Edelman, with Book Reviews Editor Alison Poe, and a distinguished Editorial Board. WAJ is found in libraries around the world and is available through JSTOR and all major online indexes.

Aims and Scope
Representing the study of women and art worldwide, WAJ serves as a forum for feminist approaches to women artists from various art historical periods to the present. We invite your submissions. Whether your focus is on the Renaissance or contemporary art, a singular woman artist or a burning issue, a new insight or a variation on a familiar theme, your topic will be considered. We also invite art historians who would like to join our list of reviewers for new books and catalogues. Click on our guidelines for contributors for additional information about submissions.