Representing and Theorizing the Ideational Memory from Individuals’ Ideational Knowledge Maps
Ron Hoz
The Ideational Knowledge Map is an individual’s representation of her or his ideational (propositional, declarative, or conceptual) knowledge, and it includes 4 kinds of graphic components: concepts, concept clusters, multi-component links, and texts. The Map has visual and abstract dimensions, whose local, intermediate and global values are described by a 3-level framework. The nature of changes in the components of the Map suggests the Bigness and Slowness of Change, namely, all Changes in the Ideational Memory are Big and Slow. The Ideational Knowledge Mapping helps detecting the distinction between the classic learning processes of accretion, tuning and knowledge restructuring. The features of the Ideational Knowledge Map prompted a theorization of the Ideational Memory whose characteristics are derived from the Ideational Knowledge Map’s components and their dimensions.
Keywords: Ideational knowledge, representation, ideational knowledge map, ideationalmemory, learning processes.