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Nanosecond Pulse Generation with Molybdenum Titanium Aluminum Carbide (Mo2TiAlC2) Deposited onto D-shaped Fiber
M. A. Z. Zaini, M. F. A. Rahman, A. A. Latiff, M. F. M. Rusdi , I. A. Z. Roslan and S. W. Harun

A new MAX phase material, Molybdenum titanium aluminum carbide (Mo2TiAlC2), was developed as a saturable absorber (SA) for nanoseconds lasers operating at 1.55-micron wavelength. The Mo2TiAlC2 solution was deposited on a D-shaped region and integrated into an erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) cavity. The SA exhibited 18% modulation depth and generated stable pulses at pump powers between 25 mW and 70 mW. The resulting laser produced a pulse train of 1.24 MHz with the shortest pulse width of 436 ns, a maximum pulse energy of 537.9 pJ, and a maximum output power of 0.67 mW, making Mo2TiAlC2 a promising candidate for optical applications.

Keywords: MAX phase, saturable absorber, pulsed fiber laser, Q-switched laser, D-shaped fiber

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