Nano–Octupoling in Two Dimensions by a Purely Octupolar Electrostatic Potential
Antoni C. Mitus, Michal Jarema, Grzegorz Pawlik and Joseph Zyss
Electric field poling of non–interacting octupolar molecules (octupoling) in two dimensions is studied using a recently proposed statistical mechanics lattice model [1] and Monte Carlo simulations for a purely octupolar poling potential resulting from sin 3θ boundary condition on a nano–size system of cylindrical electrodes. The orientational order in the ground state is homogeneous and gives rise to a fully ordered octupolar phase. The energy barriers and poling conditions are independent of the localization inside the poling cell. The barriers are low and bring on thermally–driven destruction of single–molecule octupolar order at temperatures above 10-4 K. Poling of an ensemble of 104 non–interacting octupoles is effective in the millikelvin temperature range.
Keywords: Poling, Octupole, Hyperpolarizability, Harmonic generation, Statistical mechanics, Monte Carlo.