Harmful Neutrons Irradiation and Thermal Effects on Soliton Transmission Bit Rates of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
In the present paper we have been investigated the harmful neutrons and thermal effects on soliton transmission bit rates of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) based different materials such as aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs), and polymer over wide range of the affecting parameters. Thermo-irradiated penalties were computed and fitted as nonlinear relationships of useful impact in the design model for the device. Analysis of laser characteristics after irradiation showed that the main effect of radiation damage is an increase in bulk recombination that increases loss within the laser cavity. The device performance degradation is proportional to the fluence. Both the ambient temperature and irradiation dose as well as the spectral wavelength possess serve reduction effects on the transmission characteristics (dispersion, and bandwidth) and consequently the transmitted bit rates and products. The fluence rate is also relevant for degradation in electron irradiation. Low fluence rate leads to larger degradation compared to those associated with high fluence rate resulting from heat impact in bulk. The radiation damage of neutron is larger than irradiation damage of electron, which is caused by the difference in mass and the possibility of nuclear collision for the formation of lattice defects.
Keywords: VCSELs, radiation hardness assurance, reliability, soliton transmission, and neutrons irradiation.