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An Extension of the Study on P1P2 Hypernear-rings
Srdjan Kadić and Sanja Jančiić-Rašović

In this paper we aim to extend the basic results on a class of P1P2 hypernear-rings. In particular it is known that for every general hypernear-ring R there exists a hypergroup (H,+) such that R is weakly embeddable into a multitransormation general hypernear-ring on (H,+). In this paper we show that under certain conditions P1P2 hypernear-ring (A,⊕P1 , ⊙P2) is weak embeddable into a multitransformation general hypernear-ring of its own additive hypergroup (A,⊕P1). Moreover, we show that there exists a subclass of P1P2 hyperrings such that this subclass is weak embeddable into a hyperring of multiendomorphisms (F(A),⊕F , ⊙F) associated with the additive hypergroup (A,⊕P1). Also, several properties ofP1P2 hypernear-rings are discussed and ilustrated by examples.

Keywords: Hyperring, hypernear-ring, multitransformation

AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 20N20

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