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On Categories Associated with 𝐿-valued Fuzzy Approximation Spaces
Abha Tripathi and S.P. Tiwari

In this contribution, our motive is to unify the categories associated with 𝐿-valued fuzzy approximation spaces as a new category GLFRel of generalized 𝐿-valued fuzzy approximation spaces, whose morphisms are pairs of 𝐿-valued fuzzy relations. Specifically, categories of 𝐿-valued fuzzy (reflexive) approximation spaces, 𝐿-valued fuzzy pretopological spaces and 𝐿-valued fuzzy co-pretopological spaces with the morphisms as pairs of 𝐿-valued fuzzy relations between the underlying sets of corresponding objects have intriguing relationships with the category GLFRel.

Keywords: 𝐿-valued fuzzy relation, 𝐿-valued fuzzy approximation space, 𝐿-valued fuzzy pretopological space, Category

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