Study of Evolution Patterns of Some One-Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Non-uniform Cellular Automata
Sreeya Ghosh and Sumita Basu
This paper investigates patterns generated by some one-dimensional spatially and temporally non-uniform cellular automata. The spatially non-uniform cellular automaton is taken to be composed of finite celled blocks on the grid line where each block has a different local transition function and within any block all the cells follow same local transition function. In case of temporally non-uniform cellular automaton the entire time interval is an aggregate of blocks of time intervals. For a particular time block the cellular automaton is uniform having a particular local transition function. However, the local transition functions though same over the entire grid line differ for adjacent time blocks. The evolution patterns generated by identity, complementary, constant and shift functions and a combination of them as local transition functions are studied in this paper.
Keywords: Non-uniform cellular automata, local transition function, left/right shift function