Optimal Predictors Derived by Adaptive Neurofuzzy Logic Interference System (ANFIS) for Ablation Depth in Excimer Laser Micromachining
A. Jovicic, A. Djokic, G. Rakic and S. Jovic
To fabricate multimode polymer waveguides ablation by excimer laser is the most suitable process. There is, however, the challenging task to control topology of the waveguides which could be time consuming process. In order to overcome the difficulties it is suitable to establish a predictive approach to obtain optimal parameter for the best topology of the waveguides. In this paper was established a predictive approach by adaptive neuro-fuzzy logic interference system (ANFIS) to determine the impact of fluence, scanning speed, number of shots, number of passes and pulse repetition rate on the mean depth of ablation. Since the depth of ablation affects total internal reflection and insertion loss there is need to analyse the depth in the comprehensive approach. It was found that the number of shots and scanning speed in combination is the most important for the mean depth of ablation. The results could be useful for laser ablation optimization in order to reduce the cost of the process.
Keywords: Excimer laser, polymer, waveguides, ablation, micromachining, predictors, adaptive neuro-fuzzy logic interference system (ANFIS)