Emissivity modeling of thermal radiation sources with concentric grooves
Alexander Prokhorov, Sergey Mekhontsev, Leonard Hanssen
Monte-Carlo-based specialized software has been applied to the statistical modeling of effective emissivity of radiators with concentric grooves of trapezoidal and triangular profile. A specular-diffuse model is used in which the thermal emission from the walls obeys Lambert’s cosine law, and reflection may have both specular and diffuse (Lambertian) components. The angular dependences of effective emissivity of a radiator with concentric triangular and trapezoidal grooves are computed for various values of the diffuse component. Grooves with isothermal and non-isothermal walls are modeled. It is shown that a temperature drop towards the peak of a groove might lead to substantially decreased effective emissivity. An example of a modeling result for a grooved radiator with reflector enhancement is presented.