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An Exploratory Study of Optimization Techniques for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Divya Pandey and Vandana Kushwaha

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an engrossing area of research due to its various applications and the adaptability into increasingly sophisticated system frameworks. The challenges experienced in WSN configuration, are mostly related to it’s stringent constraints, which incorporate energy, transmission capacity, memory, computational abilities and to the necessities of the specific application. Over the last decade, a substantial number of attempts have been made to examine and address congestion-oriented problems using a range of methods. Owing to the high energy utilization and data processing needs, the use of traditional algorithms has usually been degraded. In this sense, contemporary researchers have begun using optimization approaches in the field of wireless sensor networks. However, efforts for congestion control technique in sensor networks using optimization model has not yet been done to any great extent in the literature. The goal of this study is to explore various prevalent optimization method that have been used for congestion control in WSNs. We have also analyzed the multifaceted nature inborn in various optimization problems, which would also suggest future directions to the researchers working in this ambit.

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Optimization, Congestion, Energy, Meta-heuristics

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DOI: 10.32908/ahswn.v58.10241