Pre-service Teachers’ Victim Empathy: Cognitions, Problem Solving and Technology
Sharon Tettegah
Building on Hoffman’s (2000) and Davis’ (1996) theories of empathy, this investigation explored text-based responses, using Web-based animated narrative vignettes (ANV) technology to develop a theory of empathy (N = 115). The ANVs presented situational simulations depicting low level aggression (e.g., name-calling, eye-rolling, isolation, etc.) classroom behaviors. Animated narrative vignette responses, as the independent variable, and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1983b) subscales, as the dependent variables, were used to examine empathy, empathic dispositions and problem solving. Consistent with other literature, the pre-service teachers expressed very little concern, problem-solving or management of the situation with the victim. Future direction and educational implications are presented.