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In order to ensure timely handling of manuscripts, contributors are encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission and to check the manuscript for compliance with these notes before submitting it for publication.
Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be written in English and submitted via email to the editorial office:
Dominic Fan, Ph.D. (ret.)
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology
tel: (713) 792-7967
fax: (713) 792-8747
Disks may be either IBM or MacIntosh compatible. Manuscripts should be prepared preferably using the latest version of Microsoft Word or WordPerfect; alternatively, manuscripts may be saved on disk in ASCII format. Please be sure to indicate platform, software name, and version number for all disks submitted (e.g., IBM WordPerfect, version 6.0). Make sure the file is double spaced and has no hard returns at the end of lines. Ragged right margins are preferable to justified lines. All textual elements should begin flush left with no paragraph indents and two returns after every element, such as titles, headings, paragraphs, legends, etc. Distinguish between the digit ‘‘1’’ and the letter ‘‘I’’ and between the capital letter ‘‘O’’ and the digit ‘‘0.’’ Please keep a back-up copy of your electronic file. For further guidelines, please contact the publisher.
Hard copy: Three clear copies should be submitted, printed or typed double-spaced on one side of an 8-1/2″ X 11″ paper with margins of at least 3 cm. Three copies of any artwork should also be submitted. All pages, including tables, must be numbered. All art must be labeled with the author’s name, the figure number, and the name of the journal.
Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively to the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology and will become the copyright of the journal. Please submit completed, signed Copyright Transfer Agreement form with final accepted manuscript.
Manuscript Format
Spelling should conform to Webster’s International Dictionary, and Syste`me International (SI) units should be used throughout. Keep abbreviations to a minimum and define at first mention. Use generic names for drugs with brand names inserted in parentheses. The paper should include the following elements:
Title page: The title page should include a concise and descriptive title for the paper; the full name(s) of the author(s); the institutional affiliation of each author; the name and address of the corresponding author (including telephone and fax numbers, as well as email address); an abbreviated title; and any acknowledgment of financial or material support.
Abstract: The abstract should summarize in 200 words or less the reason for the study, the major finding (with specific data if possible), and the principal conclusion(s). Provide 3–6 key words for indexing purposes.
Introduction: The introduction should describe the back-ground of the investigation and state the aim(s) of the study. Only essential references should be cited.
Materials and Methods: This section should provide sufficient details for future repetition of the study. Describe new methods in detail. Provide references and brief descriptions of previously published methods. Research on human subjects should indicate that ethical approval of the study was obtained.
Results: Data should be presented in a single form. Emphasis should be on clear and precise presentation of results and their significance in relation to the aim of the investigation.
Discussion: The Discussion section should review the results of the study in light of previously published work.
Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion of less than 200 words.
Acknowledgments: In 50 words or less, detail contributions of technical or other assistance received that did not justify authorship.
References: References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they first appear in the text. The list must be double spaced and should include:
- • last names and initials of all authors
- • full title of the article or chapter
- • for books only: editors’ names
- • book title or Index Medicus abbreviation for journal title (italicized)
- • for journals: volume number, page range, year
- • for books: city of publisher, name of publisher, page range, year
Journal article
Miller BE, Matherly LH, Lehotan M, Heppner GH. Rates of development of methotrexate resistance in heterogeneous mouse mammary tumor cell cultures. J Exp Ther Oncol 1:30–38, 1996.
Chapter in book
Hrushesky WJM, Cope FO. Fluoropyrimidine cancer chemotherapy. In: Banzet P, Holland JF, Khayat D, Weil N, eds. Cancer treatment update. Paris: Springer-Verlag 29–39. 1994.
Only published or accepted articles should be included in reference list. For accepted papers, include ‘‘in press’’ in parentheses at the end of the reference. Personal communications or unpublished observations should be noted as such in parentheses in the text. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references.
Artwork should be submitted in black ink on good quality white paper or photocopy. Computer-generated diagrams should be printed on good quality bond paper with laser or high-quality ink-jet printer using a minimum of 600 dpi, or onto non-absorbent paper if a precision pen plotter is used. The author’s name, figure number, and an arrow indicating the top of the figure should be supplied. Labels, callouts, arrows, or other indicators should be done on an overlay, or with pre-set type or rub-off transfer lettering. Indicate crop marks on an overlay or photocopy. The publisher does not reconstruct artwork.
Photographs (halftones) should be original prints (i.e., not rephotographed) and suitable for reproduction. Lettering should be on an accompanying overlay. Magnification should be given in the legend or indicated by a scale or bar. For photographs of recognizable persons, please submit a signed release form from the subject authorizing publication.
Color figures that significantly enhance the article will be considered for publication. Color prints or positive 35 mm transparencies or may be submitted. Part of the reproduction and printing costs will be paid by the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology. The author’s costs will be $250 per page of color. All illustrations should be able to be reduced to 50–66% of their original size with no loss of clarity or legibility.
Digital Artwork Submission
We are happy to receive your artwork in digital format. Line artwork (vector graphics) can be saved as either EPS, TIFF, PDF, with a resolution of at least 600 dpi at final size. Halftones (black and white photos) can be saved as EPS, TIFF or PDF formats, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi at final size. Color images can be saved as EPS, TIFF or PDF formats, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi at final size. Color art should be saved as cymk (not rgb). Do not send native file formats.
Figure legends should be typed double spaced on a separate sheet of paper. Cite each figure in the text by its number. Figures should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. If a figure has been previously published, permission must be received in writing for its use regardless or authorship or publisher.
Acknowledgment of the original source must be included at the end of the legend.
Conflict of Interest
Authors should disclose any commercial or other associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article.