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Thermal and exergy performance enhancement of dish-type solar collector using Fresnel lens
Hyemin Kim, Myeongjae Shin and Honghyun Cho
In this study, the performance of a hybrid solar collector, which combines a dish-type solar collector and a Fresnel lens, was experimentally studied to develop a high-concentration solar collector with high solar energy collection efficiency. The small hybrid dish-type solar collector with a 1 m diameter dish reflector was used for the investigation, and a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (70/30) served as the working fluid. As a result of the experiment, applying the Fresnel lens improves the efficiency of useful heat and solar energy collection by increasing the working fluid outlet temperature. The solar energy collection efficiency was enhanced by approximately 106% compared to when the Fresnel lens was not applied. Additionally, the exergy efficiency was 6.79% when the Fresnel lens was used, showing an improvement of 30.8% compared to when the Fresnel lens was not applied. Therefore, combining the Fresnel lens with a small dish-type solar collector enhances the collection performance of the solar collector. This improvement is expected to advance the research and development of dish-type solar collectors for harnessing solar energy in residential and small-scale building applications.
Keywords: dish-type solar collector, Fresnel lens, solar energy, energy harvesting, exergy efficiency
DOI: 10.32908/hthp.v54.1865