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Relaxation Mechanism of an Intensely-Driven Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
S. S. Hassan, M. M. Hassan and O. M. Frege
The fundamental model of a single mode quantum harmonic oscillator (QHO) of frequency ωo and resonantly driven by a coherent field of (real) intense strength Ω ∼ ωo and damped by a Markovian broadband squeezed vacuum (SV) radiation reservoir is analysed. Such intense field combined with controllable spectral reservoir parameters induce strength modifications: Ω → Ω ( 1 + 𝑖ϒ (ωo)) within the rotating wave approximation (RWA) regime, and Ω𝑒∓𝑖ωo𝑡 → Ω(1 – 𝑖 ϒ(ωo)/2ωo) 𝑒∓𝑖ωo𝑡 outside RWA regime, where ϒ(ωo)≡ 𝑑ϒ(ωo)/𝑑ωo and ϒ(ωo) is the damping constant. As a result, the mean values of amplitude, squared amplitude and photon number of the QHO are dependent on the spectral distribution parameters of the environmental reservoir radiation modes through the factor ϒ‘(ωo). We investigate two cases of reservoir modes’ spectral distributions: the Ohmic power law and the Lorentz-Drude law. Physically speaking, and as the single mode QHO mimics the time evolution of collective Rydberg atomic system, our results suggest controllable enhancement of energy flow to the (intensely and resonantly driven) Rydberg atomic inversion, as well induced coherent scattering.
Keywords: Quantum harmonic oscillator, dissipation processes with intense driving field, Ohmic and Lorentz-Drude reservoir spectral densities, induced coherence and enhanced photon generation, Rotating wave and Markov approximations