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Effect of Finest Dispersion Controlled Optoelectronic Transmission on the Propagation Length of a 10 Gbps Optical Link
M. Venkata Sudhakar and R. Busi

Demand for more fibre-based internet services is increasing in these days to meet growing band-width requirements. This triggers the necessity for developing new fibre models with lower cost equipment in long-reach communications. Herein we propose the combination of the single mode fibre (SMF) and inversion dispersion fibre (IDF) cables to mitigate the effect of the dispersion in 10 Gbps optical fibre systems. The vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) model with optimized parameters is employed in the transmitter section to establish low cost direct modulation scheme. The parameters of the IDF are adjusted to get the 80 km dispersion minimized transmission distance along with bit error rate (BER) values of 10-9 and eye opening factors of 0.9. Direct detection with an avalanche photodiode (APD) is used in the receiver section, in addition to the Gaussian low pass filtration. The results are compared with and without IDF in terms of the BER, transmission range and eye opening factors.

Keywords: Vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL), single mode fibre (SMF), inverse dispersion fibre (IDF), avalanche photodiode (APD), dispersion compensation fibre (DCF)

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