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Effect of size, shape and scattering factors on electrical resistivity of metallic nanomaterials
Monika Goyal

In the present work, the author focussed on the electrical properties of nanostructures. A qualitative model is extended to obtain the expression of thermal conductivity of nanosolid. Using the Wiedemann-Franz law, electrical conductivity and then expression of electrical resistivity is obtained. The inclusion of scattering term in the calculation of electrical resistivity of nanosolid is essential. Incorporating the effect of surface scattering and grain boundary scattering, electrical resistivity is calculated for varied shapes and sizes of nanosolids. The electrical resistivity of nanomaterials is found to increase with decrease in size. The increment in electrical resistivity is found different for different shapes as surface atoms in nanosolid varies with shape and also with the change in surface roughness parameter and reflection coefficient. The present study explains the combined effect of shape, size and scattering factors on electrical resistivity of nanostructure. The proposed model results are depicted with available experimental results in figures for comparison. The study helps to identify the solids that possess high figure of merit and have plenty of applications in electronic devices.

Keywords: electrical conductivity, shape, size, surface scattering term, grain boundary scattering

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DOI: 10.32908/hthp.v52.1479