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Decomposed Fuzzy ARAS Method and Its Application on Post-Disaster Temporary Shelter Selection
Elif Haktanir And Cengiz Kahraman

This paper proposes a novel approach for multi-criteria decision-making problems based on the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method, integrated with decomposed fuzzy sets (DFS). The proposed method aims to enhance the accuracy of decision-making by enabling decision-makers to express their evaluations more accurately. The steps of the proposed DFARAS methodology are presented in detail, and an application of post-disaster temporary shelter selection is demonstrated to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results show that the proposed DF-ARAS method is a valuable decision-making tool that can provide more accurate and flexible solutions in complex decision-making problems.

Keywords: Decomposed fuzzy sets, Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS), alternative selection, post-disaster temporary shelter

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