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DCTRPL: Dual Data-Communication Trust Mechanism for RPL Routing Protocol in IoT
Farzaneh Kaviani, Mohammadreza Soltanaghaei and Farsad Zamani Boroujeni

Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy networks (RPL) has been accepted as the standard routing protocol for the internet of things (IoT) by the internet engineering task force. RPL significantly responds to IoT needs, but many issues still need to be resolved. One of the most important of them is related to security needs. Although RPL protects control messages by encryption, it is vulnerable to internal attackers and selfish behavior. This paper has improved the RPL protocol based on trust evaluations. An improved protocol called the dual Data-Communication Trust mechanism for RPL routing protocol (DCTRPL) has been proposed. DCTPPL’s focus on creating secure routing topology is based on evaluating trust in both Data-Communication levels and identifying malicious agents. A new objective function has been introduced for trust evaluations and parent selection to create a network graph. Based on this function, a node is selected as the trusted parent node with higher trust and link quality. In addition, in trusting the data based on the evaluation of the accuracy of the reports, it is also considered, which prevents false data reporting. This provides the ability to defend against untrustworthy nodes during data collection. DCTRPL had been implemented with the Cooja simulator. This protocol had been evaluated in different scenarios compared to previous studies. The simulation results showed that DCTRPL provides reliable routing and data exchange, and it has also been successful in providing data trust and assessing the accuracy of reports.

Keywords: IoT, Data trust, Communication trust, RPL Routing protocol, IDS

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DOI: 10.32908/ahswn.v56.9953