It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in Lasers in Biotechnology (LiB ’17) on June 15, 2017 at the Bibliotheque Marie-Curie, INSA, in Lyon, France, the first AILU workshop on this high-impact topic and the very first AILU event to be held outside of the UK.
The medical sector was one of the first to seize the benefits offered by lasers. In 1961, only a year the laser was invented, ruby lasers were used by Leon Goldman for the removal of port wine stains and by Charles J. Campbell to treat detached retinas. As conservative as medicine is, the laser has and is continuing to gain acceptance in many medical disciplines by replacing traditional tools and offering up new ones. Such is the take up of lasers that dermatology and ophthalmology cannot be practised fully without them. In consequence, the laser biotechnology market is huge, with the laser-based aesthetic devices market alone worth $1.2 billion today. Industrial lasers for laser manufacturing and surface engineering are now established processes for the manufacture of medical devices such as coronary stents, blood filters, bone implants and other orthopaedic artefacts, with laser surface engineering paving the way for new and improved biotechnology device performance and radical new methods for cell manipulation.
For the first time we have gathered together manufacturers, end users, and academic and industrial researchers in the biotechnology field. This will create a forum so that you will hear and see how the latest developments in laser technology, and academic and industrial research are having immediate and growing impact on our quality of life, as well as opening up and growing new markets.
For more information, click here.