High Temperatures — High Pressures new impact factor is 0.138. Awarded by the prestigious ISI Web of Knowledge, possession of this metric is one of the most attractive features of scientific journals. Chief Editors, Ivan Egry and Jean-François Sacadura, have already noticed an upturn in requests to join the editorial board, and confidently expect an increase in quality and volume of submissions as a result of the award.
Publisher representative, Martin O’Neill (www.martinsoneill.com), responsible for the acquisition of HTHP on behalf of Old City Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, noted that the impact factor has been released just in time for the 2015 subscriptions round by university librarians. So it is possible that online downloads and print subscriptions will also increase in reaction to the metric.
The factor was a major point of discussion when the Chief Editors welcomed eleven HTHP board members during the 20th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP), Oporto, Portugal. ECTP itself recorded a greater attendance than expected, 380, with participants from 39 countries, with a substantial contingent from Japan. So the new factor may help HTHP ride a new wave of interest in this field, which covers research on the behaviour of solids and liquids under extreme conditions for diverse applications in pure and applied physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering. Further details can be found at the HTHP page on the OCP website.